Arkansas Governor's Quiz Bowl Association -
AGQBA Website Posts
Please complete the following form for any announcement you would like to see posted on the AGQBA website. This includes tournament results and announcements about upcoming events.
Please contact Will Heatherly of you have any questions,
Social Media
Follow us on Facebook for tips and tidbits and the occassional trivia question.
Friends of Quiz Bowl Scholarship Application
The scholarship will provide college financial aid to seniors who are participating in AGQBA sanctioned quiz bowl events during the 2024-2025 school year to be applied after graduation.
Link to the Application Guidance Document
Contact Friends of Quiz Bowl if you have any quesitons,
Conferences Are Set
The 2024-2025 Quiz Bowl conferences are set.
Site Hosts will contact the teams in their region with specifics.
Question Writer Wanted
Arkansas Governor's Quiz Bowl Association welcomes new and experienced question writers to submit bids for the 2025-26 quiz bowl season. Anyone interested in being considered as a question writer should submit their bid and a sample game to this google form.
Invitational Tournaments
Please complete the linked form to submit an event for posting on the website, Website Post Form.
Forms and contact information for events will be posted on the AGQBA Google Calendar
No video, photography, or sound recording is allowed at Invitational, Regional, or State Tournaments without forms of written permission signed by everyone in the room. ALL minors must have a parent or guardian's permission signature as well.
New sets of senior high and junior high games!
Order now!
Don't miss this valuable resource!
Arkansas PBS Videos of Past Finals