Arkansas Governor's Quiz Bowl Association -


Here are the current dates for the 2024-25 AGQBA events.

Junior High Regionals: Friday or Saturday, January 31st or February 1st

Senior High Regionals: March 15th

Senior High Finals: April 26th

Senior and Junior High All Stars: May 3rd

Locations for Junior High State Tournaments on 2/15

Classification Location Site Host Communication
1A UACC - Morrilton Joe Fisher Patti Bottoms
2A NAC - Harrison Monica Springfield Lisa Coots
3A UACC - Batesville Allen Bishop TBD
4A Bryant HS Malinda Pitts Amanda McMahan
5A Pulaski Academy Anthony Simmons Nita Wimberly
6A Greenwood JH Josh Adams Rick Clow
7A Bryant HS Johnny Barham Amanda McMahan

Locations for Senior High State Tournaments on 4/12

Classification Location Site Host Communication
1A UACC - Morrilton Patti Bottoms Barry Burns
2A Murfeesburo Sandra Elliott Kelly Webb
3A El Dorado HS Adrianne Carey TBD
4A Trumann HS Josh Duggins Steve Patterson
5A White Hall MS Nita Wimberly Anthony Simmons
6A LR Catholic Ashley Reed TBD
7A LR Central Shawna Shannon Malinda Pitts